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What 2020 Strategies has accomplished so far with valued partners.
A charter research initiative, commissioned by Deborah Stern, conceived and written by Duane Elgin.  It powerfully articulates the driving global opportunity and adversity trends in our world, and the historic moment of choice humanity faces in the 2000-2020 period.  With support from Sam Miller and Anne and Vincent Mai, the project was hosted at Union Theological Seminary with leadership from Prof. Larry Rasmussen and President Holland Hendrix, and presented in UTS’ Ethical Earth conference.
An innovative multi-stakeholder global research project offering leadership and recommendations re: global priorities to achieve a Sustainable future.  Conceived and developed by Deborah Stern and GlobeScan’s Doug Miller, the GSP Involved 1,000 NGO, Business and Government stakeholder participants from 67 global network organizations; 6 collaborating donor/advisors: Sam Miller, The King Baudouin Foundation, The International Development and Research Centre (CAN), The Rockefeller Foundation, The Charles Steward Mott Foundation, Dow Canada.  Project introduced at 2002 World Summit on Sustainable Development; a summative consultative meeting held at the Rockefeller Foundation and a briefing to the UN Secretary General’s top advisors in 2004.

In 2005, Deborah Stern gave a presentation on the Global Stakeholder Panel, using a powerpoint you can view by clicking on the image. 

In partnership with Stephen Heintz, President, Rockefeller Brothers Fund, interviewed over 30 sustainability movement and thought leaders, and organized a focus group/field learning session for the Foundation’s President and Board Chair, to test the opportunity to build a sustainability movement acceleration vehicle/strategy.


2020 Strategies initiates design and development of the Campaign 2020 concept with committed colleagues, including Denise Gentry, founder of One By Nature.   C2020 is designed as a whole system solution to orient and mobilize capital, business practices, and commitment from our many efforts to add up to collective success: Sustainable World Transition.

In 2014, 2020 Strategies working with client Tennaxia, organized and commissioned a team of graduate students from Columbia University's Sustainability Management program to undertake a study to understand the main motivations and mechanisms for tracking and reporting CSR and sustainability data. In parallel to a survey and interviews of 50 sustainability professionals, the team led a market research and literature review to further understand the CSR and sustainability data management software market.  The team worked closely with Deborah Stern throughout the process.  The  team members came from diverse backgrounds and share a solid interest in sustainability metrics and the goal of improving data management systems. ReScore Group now continues its research through a A partnership of companies and organizations involved in corporate social responsibility and sustainability.

Emergent Universe Oratorio, by Sam Guarnaccia, is a new music and visual arts work to inspire citizen commitment for a sustainable world. It premiered September 15, 2013 in Shelburne VT to audience of over 1,000 people. 2020 Strategies and Fund served as fiscal administrator, and provided grant writing support for the project.
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